Here at Hoopes, we want to create unforgettable experiences for wine-lovers…experiences through food; through music; through connecting with the process; grape to glass, through exploration and of course, always accompanied with Hoopes.
Hoopes Quarantine Moms
Many Mothers recently experienced an extreme shift in their daily routines. More than surviving the threat of a virus and the disheartening effects of isolation, they were home-schooling while working; keeping up with their jobs while juggling the roles of both parent and teacher. Neither task is easy; together they can be overwhelming.
Make Vietnamese Chicken Fat Rice At Home With This Top Chef Recipe.
Top Chef alumnus Tu David Phu is known for his unique style of Vietnamese-infused California cuisine and this is one of his favorite recipes. Earlier this year, Chef Tu partnered up with Lindsay Hoopes of Hoopes Family Vineyard to pair his flavorful cuisine alongside our expressive red and white wines.
Save The Family Farms - The Soul of Napa Valley.
With a mission of keeping small family businesses and vineyards viable for future generations, Lindsay Hoopes of Hoopes Family Vineyard has banded together with other Napa Valley farm owners and community members to establish the non-profit Save the Family Farms.
Dark & Sultry.
Many people think Merlot is boring. I used to be one of those people. About 6 years ago, in a blind tasting of red wines, I was introduced to a Merlot that changed my life.